What kind of schools do we need as a gesture of care for the planetary? How can we form artistic and scientific alliances in creating learning spaces? How learning spaces, and ecopedagogies can help us shift our unsustainable present? Do we need other ways of reciprocity, support and also pedagogical structures?

The recent Covid-19 pandemic and the planetary emergency is no longer an imagined concept of survival, it has become part of our lives. Daily we are in contact with the loss of a river, with the disappearance of a forest or a space dear to us. How can we move and cope within this entangled mess and find our strength in gestures of reciprocal care with the more than human world?
Common Dreams:flotation school is a mobile prototype for a survival climate school, that can travel and adapt to other cities in collaborative alliances with local universities, art institutions and sustainable organizations. The schools are transdisciplinary exchange in the format of workshops, lectures, numerous discussions and embodied experiences as singing, eating, snorkeling, listening, contemplating, reading tarot, activating, rebelling and restoring. But also a moment to reconnect, restore hare emotions, resilience and active responses with the natural habitats.
During four sessions taking place every time in a different location, the Common Dreams School interweaves our dreams and experiments with survival tools as proposals to adapt to the newness and the unknown that we are facing. Throughout these series of communal experiments and hands-on rituals and magical activism we will focus on resilient tools dealing with mental care, modes of kinship, mourning of damaged landscapes and environmental justice.
During the gatherings, we will set an intention to experiment with different methods, as an alchemic transformative process, using new dialogues and vocabulary to resist, reconnect and act.
Each session is activated by the energy of the four elements (fire- air-earth- water), as an alignment process with the geopolitical and terrestrial cosmology. Therefore, each session will take place in situ, in a different environment, in the forest, by the river or immersed in a damaged landscape.
The following series will be a special edition of the school. It is an attempt to create a “sharable process” between editions. Therefore, it will have the format of a “confluence”, between the previous participants of the school developed last year in collaboration with Cifas and new participants.
Maria Lucia Cruz Correia for Cas-Co
Invited by Maria Lucia Cruz Correia along with other participants of previous editions of the school to connect with new landscapes and gather new persons together to dream of what we can offer to this world and observe what it can teach us, we proposed together reflexions as an open dialogue within ourselves and with the elements around us.
To know more about the school https://cas-co.be/activiteiten/common-dreams-flotation-school-wednesday-workshops
To know more about MAria Lucia Cruz Correia's projects: http://mluciacruzcorreia.com/works/common-dream-school